Reducing the Risk of Falls
There are lots of simple and practical measures you can take to reduce your risks of falling and to keep yourself steady on your feet. Regular exercise can keep you fit and strong, improving your muscle tone and balance. Short walks and time spent in the garden can really make a difference. Have a look around your home to see any potential hazards. Are cables and wires kept out of the way? Is the flooring in a good state of repair? Take note of your footwear, your slippers may be comfy but do they fit snugly, and provide enough support and grip? Make sure your eye checks are regular and up to date. Non slip rubber mats are a useful and inexpensive safety feature in baths and showers.
There is also a wide range of equipment available to you such as handrails, bedrails and walkers which can help keep you steady and a Falls Service which can be accessed through your GP.
Please contact us at the Service Tree for a chat if you would like more advice.